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Quick Overview

Compact Low Power RF AOM or AOQS driver – With an operating frequency of 24–110 MHz, a 24 W output into a 50-ohm load, and analog and digital modulation.


  • 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68, 80, or 110 MHz RF frequency (XXX)
  • 0.01% quartz stabilized
  • Up to 24 W RF power output (YY)
  • Two TTL digital modulation inputs: fixed and variable pulse width
  • Up to 1 MHz pulse rate in Q-switch applications.
  • Up to 10 MHz pulse rate in pulse picking applications
  • Analog modulation or triggered RF Ramp Down Mode (ZZZ)
  • Synchronization to RF by ‘zero cross’


  • Powering an AO Q-switch used to spoil the “Q” of a CW laser in order to output an intense pulse of light
  • Powering an AO modulator to pick pulses out of an optical pulse train
DescriptionCompact; Less Than 25W Low Power RF Driver: For Acousto-optic Q-Switch or Modulator
Frequency 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68, 80 or 110 MHz
Spurious Levels≤ -50 dBc
Harmonic Distortion≤ -20 dB for units with output power ≤ 15 W, ≤ -15 dB for units with output power > 15 W
Supply Current≤ 3 A
Output Impedance50 Ohms
Supply Voltage+12, +15, or +24 VDC (factory set)
RF Power2 to 24 W
Rise/Fall TimeDigital/Analogue modulation: ≤ 35 ns (10 to 90% RF power)
Extinction Ratio≥ 50 dB

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