
Optical Switches

Quick Overview

Fiber optic switch, coaxial design

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More Information
name SC1x24-xx
Description Fiber optic switch, coaxial design
Wavelength Range 1250 - 1670 nm
Insertion Loss 1.0 dB
Switch Speed 5 ms
Interface UART, I2C/SMBus and parallel interface
Type Non-Latching
Fiber Type SMF28ULTRA, SM980, SM600
Fiber Sleeve Type 250um bare fibers, 8-fibers or 12-fibers ribbon, 900 um sleeve(on rSC only)
Pigtail Length 50 cm or 100 cm
Connector Type FC, FA, LP, SA, SP

Quick Overview


  • Low insertion loss
  • Reliable
  • Up to 2x256 optical ports
  • UART, I2C/SMBus and parallel interface
  • Ethernet interface available on request
  • RoHS compliant
  • Configuration up to 2x256 are available
  • SMF28Ultra, PM15-U40A Corning Panda Fiber, SM980 for 1050nm, SM600 for 630nm fiber types available


  • Optical network switching
  • Instrumentation
  • Test and measurement
  • .