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PM Couplers/WDMs

PM Couplers/WDMs

olarization-maintaining (PM) fiber couplers in coupling ratios from 1% to 50%, manufactured using industry-standard polarization-maintaining fiber. Available in slow axis, fast axis, and axis-independent variants.

Based on our highly developed fused fiber technology, our PM fiber couplers demonstrate very low loss, high-power handling, and there is no price penalty for adding a second input port.

The center operating wavelength may be chosen from within a wide variety of operating passbands, including 780, 820, 980, 1064, 1310, 14xx, 15xx and 16xx nm.

Our PM fiber couplers operate over a -55°C to +85°C temperature window, making them suitable for applications in harsh environments.

Part NumberDescriptionWavelengthSignal Insertion LossSignal PERExcess Loss FunctionDatasheet
FFP-xxxxxxAxxVisible Wavelength PM Coupler450-700 nm> 22 dB0.60 dBPM Coupler
FFP-xxxxxxxxxPM Coupler780 – 1650 nmGrade A: 0.3 dB, Grade B: 0.5 dBPM Coupler
FFP-xxxxxxxxxPM Combiner915-1650 nmFast Axis (Grade M, 1400-1499 nm): 0.40 dB, Slow Axis (Grade M): 0.35 dBPM Combiner
FFP-xxxxxxxxxPM Fused Coupler for 2000nm (2μm)1900-2199 nm > 15 dB (@ 20% Coupling Ratio)0.40 dB (@ 20% Coupling Ratio)PM Coupler
FPW-xxxxxxxxxPM WDM750 – 1700 nmCH1 and CH2: Max 1.0 dB (780-1200 nm, 50-100 nm spacing)CH1 and CH2: > 15 dB (780-1200 nm, 50-100 nm spacing)PM WDM
FPB-xxxxxxxxxPM Bow Tie Fiber Coupler900 – 1200 nm0.3 dBPM Bow Tie Tap Coupler
FPM-xxxxxxxxxPM Axis-Matched Low Ratio Tap900 – 1600 nm< 0.5 dB (@ 1% Coupling Ratio)> 20 dBPM Tap Coupler
FPU-xxxxxxAxxPM Ultra Low Ratio Tap Coupler900 – 1700 nm0.37 dB (@ 1% Coupling Ratio)> 20 dBPM Tap Coupler
FPW-xxxxxxxxxPM WDM, 2000nm (2μm)1900-2100 nm (CH1 and CH2)> 15 dB (CH1 and CH2)WDM