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Analog Drivers

Analog Drivers

The DR-AN family is a set of wideband RF amplifier modules designed for analog applications at frequencies up to 40 GHz. The DR-AN are characterized by a low Noise Figure and a linear transfer function.

The DR-AN drivers exhibit a flat Group Delay and Gain curves with reduced ripple over the entire bandwidth. They operate from a single power supply for safety and ease of use, they offer gain control.

The DR-AN modulator driver comes in a compact connectorized module that matches (mechanically and impedance) directly with exail phase and intensity modulators.

ModelFrequency RangeGainOutput VoltageDatasheet
DR-VE-0.1-MODC-200MHz25-26dB 10kΩ / 19-20dB 50Ω20 Vpp
DR-VE-0.5-MODC-750 MHz22-23 dB 50Ω21 Vpp
DR-VE-10-MO16 kHz – 15 GHz30 dB (typ)8 Vpp
DR-AN-10-MO50 kHz – 11 GHz30dB (typ)9 Vpp
DR-AN-10-HO80 kHz – 11 GHz27 dB 15.9 Vpp
DR-AN-20-MO50 kHz – 20 GHz30 dB (typ)9 Vpp
DR-AN-20-HO80 kHz – 22 GHz27 dB (typ)15.9 Vpp
DR-AN-40-MO50 kHz – 40 GHz26 dB (typ)6.3 Vpp