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400 mW SM Laser Diode

400 mW SM Laser Diode

TOPTICA EAGLEYARD highlights its thrive for innovation with the introduction of a 400 mW SM Laser Diode in standard butterfly package. This unique product is the first single mode laser diode with a 400 mW ex fiber output at 808 nm on the market. The standard butterfly package enables an easy drop in for industrial applications.

Product Highlights
400 mW single mode ex fiber @ 808 nm
PM fiber output, plug and play with fiber pigtail
Thermal management by integrated thermoelectric cooler and thermistor

Your Advantages
High output power for your next generation fiber laser with higher efficiency and signal to noise ratio
Focused power delivery: center wavelength around the absorption peak 808 nm, tighter tolerance can be achieved with FBG upon request
Easy integration in fiber laser systems due to the robust and hermetically sealed butterfly package
Brilliant polarization achievable for higher efficiency

Product Part NumberWavelengthPowerAbsolute Max PowerSpectral WidthPackageDatasheet
EYP-RWL-0808-00400-4000-BFY02-0000808nm400mW500mW1nmButterfly with PM fiber and APC