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DiGital IQ Modulator Bias Controller

DiGital IQ Modulator Bias Controller

The MBC-IQ-Lab is an electronic system able to control I&Q Modulators in a CS-SSB modulation scheme. It is based on the minimization of the beating harmonic of two small dithers. This system allows to maintain harmonic rejection of optical CS-SSB spectrum better than 40dB over tens of hours.

Introduction to Exail Modulator Bias Controller (MBC)

ModelDC bias voltageLocking pointWavelengthTypeDatasheet
MBC-IQ-LAB-A0 DC1, DC2: -12 – +12 V, DC3: -13.5 – +13.5 VAutomated; DC1 MIN, DC2 MIN, DC3 QUAD± 900-1600 nmNo coupler
MBC-IQ-LAB-A1 DC1, DC2: -12 – +12 V, DC3: -13.5 – +13.5 VAutomated; DC1 MIN, DC2 MIN, DC3 QUAD± 1530-1625 nmIntegrated coupler