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Handheld Testers

Handheld Testers

OLTS-85/85P lets installers and technicians work fiber smart by integrating industry-leading fiber inspection with Tier 1 testing. This efficient, easy-to-use solution promotes best practices while cutting testing and certification time in half. Have confidence in your network quality and optimize your workflow with a single solution – the OLTS-85 and 85P.

MPOLx is the industry’s first dedicated optical loss test set that can perform all the test requirements for Tier 1 (Basic) certification using MPO fiber connectivity in accordance to IEC 61280-4-5 and TIA-526-28. The MPOLx provides a source and power meter that integrate essential MPO test capabilities together to ensure a fast and reliable workflow when testing and certifying network links with native MPO connectivity.

OLP-88 TruePON tester is the first instrument in the market with test capabilities like OLT and ONU identification, ONT activation process verification, automatic PON power levels certification, in-service insertion loss test and Alien/Rogue ONUs detection.

OLP-39 is the industry’s first wavelength selective Passive Optical Network (PON) power meter which has been enhanced with TruePON data analysis and enables simultaneous measurement of GPON and XGS-PON PON-ID.

SmartClass Fiber Optical Loss Test Sets
Part Number Description Wavelengths Output Power Spectral Width Max. Length Measurement Fiber Type
2325/11SSingle-mode optical loss test set1310 nm ± 20 nm, 1550 nm ± 20 nm0 to –3 dBm5/5 nm100 kmSM, 9/125 µm
2325/14SMultimode optical loss test set850 nm ± 20 nm, 1300 nm ± 20 nm–22 to –25 dBm50/170 nm12 kmMM, 50/125 µm or 62.5/125 µm
2325/15SQuad optical loss test set 850 nm ± 20 nm, 1300 nm ± 20 nm, 1310 nm ± 20 nm, 1550 nm ± 20 nmMM: –22 to –25 dBm, SM: 0 to –3 dBmMM: 50/170 nm, SM: 5/5 nmMM: 12 km, SM: 100 kmMM: 50/125 µm or 62.5/125 µm, SM: 9/125 µm
2326/15SQuad optical loss test set with PCM850 nm ± 20 nm, 1300 nm ± 20 nm, 1310 nm ± 20 nm, 1550 nm ± 20 nmMM: –22 to –25 dBm, SM: 0 to –3 dBmMM: 50/170 nm, SM: 5/5 nmMM: 12 km, SM: 100 kmMM: 50/125 µm or 62.5/125 µm, SM: 9/125 µm
SmartClass Fiber OLTS Kits
Part Number Description Datasheet
2325/31Single-mode tier 1 optical loss test kit
2325/34Multimode tier 1 optical loss test kit
2325/35Quad tier 1 optical loss test kit
2326/35Quad tier 1 optical loss test kit with PCM
SmartClass MPO Testers
Part NumberDescription
2329/01SMPOLP-85 – Broadband power meter (850/1300/1310/1550)
2330/01SMPOLP-85P – Broadband power meter (850/1300/1310/1550), with PCM
2329/11SMPOLS-85 – Single mode, dual-wavelength source (1310/1550)
2330/11SMPOLS-85P – Single mode, dual-wavelength source (1310/1550), with PCM
2329/14SMPOLS-84 – Multimode, dual-wavelength source (850/1300)
2330/14SMPOLS-84P – Multimode, dual-wavelength source (850/1300), with PCM
SmartClass MPO Loss Kits
Part NumberDescriptionDatasheet
2329/21Kitted Package contains Single mode loss kit (1310/1550), MPOLS-85, MPOLP-85, without P5000i probes
2329/31Kitted Package contains Single mode loss kit (1310/1550), MPOLS-85, MPOLP-85, two P5000i probes
2330/21Kitted Package contains Single mode loss kit (1310/1550) with PCM, MPOLS-85P, MPOLP-85P, without P5000i probes
2330/31Kitted Package contains Single mode loss kit (1310/1550) with PCM, MPOLS-85P, MPOLP-85P, two P5000i probes
2329/24Kitted Package contains Multimode loss kit (850/1300), MPOLS-84, MPOLP-85, without P5000i probes
2329/34Kitted Package contains Multimode loss kit (850/1300), MPOLS-84, MPOLP-85, two P5000i probes
2330/24Kitted Package contains Multimode loss kit (850/1300) with PCM, MPOLS-84P, MPOLP-85P, without P5000i probes
2330/34Kitted Package contains Multimode loss kit (850/1300) with PCM, MPOLS-84P, MPOLP-85P, two P5000i probes
2329/25Kitted Package contains Quad loss kit (850/1300, 1310/1550), MPOLS-85, MPOLS-84, MPOLP-85, without P5000i probes
2329/35Kitted Package contains Quad loss kit (850/1300, 1310/1550), MPOLS-85, MPOLS-84, MPOLP-85, two P5000i probes
2330/25Kitted Package contains Quad loss kit (850/1300, 1310/1550) with PCM, MPOLS-85P, MPOLS-84P, MPOLP-85P, without P5000i probes
2330/35Kitted Package contains Quad loss kit (850/1300, 1310/1550) with PCM, MPOLS-85P, MPOLS-84P, MPOLP-85P, two P5000i probes
SmartClass TruePON Tester
Part Number Description Wavelengths Measurement Range for Power Level Output Power
2327/26OLP-88 – TruePON Tester GPON 1310, 1490 nm1310 nm: -40 to +13 dBm, 1490 nm: -45 to +7 dBm1310 nm: +17 dBm, 1490 nm: +9 dBm
2327/36OLP-88 – TruePON Tester GPON + RF-Video1310, 1490, 1550 nm 1310 nm: -40 to +13 dBm, 1490 nm: -45 to +7 dBm, 1550 nm: -45 to +26 dBm1310 nm: +17 dBm, 1490 nm: +9 dBm, 1550 nm: +27 dBm
2328/36OLP-88P – TruePON Tester GPON + RF-Video and PCM1310, 1490, 1550 nm 1310 nm: -40 to +13 dBm, 1490 nm: -45 to +7 dBm, 1550 nm: -45 to +26 dBm1310 nm: +17 dBm, 1490 nm: +9 dBm, 1550 nm: +27 dBm
2327/37OLP-88 – TruePON Tester GPON and XGS-PON power level (requires 2327/94.04)1270, 1310, 1490, 1577 nm1270 nm: -40 to +13 dBm, 1310 nm: -40 to +13 dBm, 1490 nm: -45 to +7 dBm, 1577 nm: -45 to+13 dBm1270 nm: +17 dBm, 1310 nm: +17 dBm, 1490 nm: +9 dBm, 1577 nm: +15 dBm,
SmartClass TruePON SW
Part Number Description Version Datasheet
2327/94.01Alien/Rogue ONU/ONT detection for OLP-882327/36, 2328/36, 2327/37
2327/94.02PON-ID detection (OLT-ID, ODN class, ToL) for OLP-882327/36, 2328/36, 2327/37
2327/94.03SW option kit (2327/94.01 and 2327/94.02) for OLP-882327/26 only
2327/94.04XGS-PON power level measurement for OLP-882327/37 only
SmartPocket V2 TruePON Testers
Part Number Description Wavelength Range Wavelength Setting Max Power Measurement Range for PON-ID
OLP-39GTruePON Tester Terminate Mode GPON SC mounted FC enclosedPassband (1480 to 1500 nm) 1490 nm +15 dBmGPON: -30 to 0 dBm
OLP-39XTruePON Tester Terminate Mode GPON and XGS-PON SC mounted FC enclosedPassband (1480 to 1500 nm, 1575 to 1580 nm)1490 nm, 1577 nm +15 dBmGPON: -30 to 0 dBm, XGS-PON: -25 to 0 dBm
SmartPocket TruePON SW
Part Number Description Datasheet
2336/94.01GSW Upgrade OLP-39G to OLP-39X via SmartReporter
2336/94.01SSW Upgrade OLP-39G to OLP-39X via StrataSync and Mobile Tech App (MTA) – requires StrataSync account
2336/94.02GONT detection SW option for OLP-39G/X via SmartReporterStrataSync account
2336/94.02SONT detection SW option for OLP-39G/X via StrataSync and Mobile Tech App (MTA) – requires StrataSync account
SmartPocket ONT Detection Kit
Part Number Description Datasheet
OLP-39G-ONT-KITOLP-39G ONT Detection Kit
OLP-39X-ONT-KITOLP-39X ONT Detection Kit