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Analog Optical Transmitters

Analog Optical Transmitters

The Analog Optical Transmitters are optical modulation units based on wide bandwidth and linear LiNbO3 modulator associated with a low RIN laser. The RF amplifier can be optional if the ModBox is used in combination with an electrical VNA to measure S-parameters in full 2-port calibration. Other applications include RF over fiber (RFoF) links, analog devices characterization, test and measurement …

These ModBoxes are available in the telecom C and O bands up to 65 GHz, and custom versions can be delivered in the Near Infra-Red window with modulation bandwidth up to 40 GHz.

A set of several Standard ModBox units are already available, please refer to the data-sheet ModBox link below. If your ModBox product is not existing, a customized and dedicate solution can be assembled for you.

MODBOX-Vector Network Analyser (VNA)
ModelWavelengthFrequencyModulated Output Power (Option HP)Datasheet
ModBox-VNA-850nm-40GHz852 nmMax: 40 GHz5 dBm
ModBox-VNA-OBand-40GHz1310 nmMax: 40 GHz5 dBm
ModBox-VNA-OBand-70GHz1310 nmMax: 70 GHz5 dBm
ModBox-VNA-CBand-40GHz1550 nmMax: 40 GHz6 dBm
ModBox-VNA-CBand-70GHz1550 nmMax: 70 GHz6 dBm
ModBox-VNA-1310nm-1550nm-40GHz1310 & 1550 nmMax: 40 GHz6 dBm
ModBox-VNA-1310nm-1550nm-70GHz1310 & 1550 nmMax: 70 GHz6 dBm
MODBOX – Analog Transmitter
ModelWavelengthFrequencyInsertion LossDatasheet
ModBox-AN-Cband-40GHzC-Band100 MHz – 40 GHzTyp. 4 dB
ModBox-AN-Oband-40GHzFull O-Band100 MHz – 40 GHzTyp. 5 dB
MODBOX-Carrier Suppression
ModelModulation FormatsOffset SSB Modulation FrequencyOptical Carrier AttenuationSide-band attenuationDatasheet
ModBox-CBand-CS-SSBCS-SSB, CS-DSBUp to 8 GHz> 30 dB> 30 dB
ModBox-CBand-CS-RC-SSBCS-SSB, RC-SSB, FC-SSBUp to 18 GHz> 30 dB> 30 dB