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WaveAnalyzer 1500B

WaveAnalyzer 1500B

The new WaveAnalyzer 1500B has been optimized for transceiver test applications. It includes a frequency reference unit which ensures an absolute frequency accuracy of better than 100 MHz (which is about 0.8 pm). Both, the C and the L Band od optical communications are covered in a single unit in a seamless way. The instrument provides measurement update rates of up to 10 measurement sweeps per second.

The WaveAnalyzer 1500B has been designed for transceiver test applications. It allows verifying various parameters which previously required using multiple instruments:
• The spectral shape of the signal is measured with a very fine resolution bandwidth of about 180 MHz so that any remaining carriers, modulation sidebands etc can be identified.
• The precise measurement of the spectral shape in combination with the low noise floor allow accurate Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) measurements – eliminating the need of using a separate instrument for this parameter.
• The absolute frequency accuracy of less than 100 MHz enables frequency verification of the transceivers without using an additional wavelength meter – as it has been done in traditional setups
• The high measurement repetition rate of up to 10 sweeps per second ensures high throughput of devices on the manufacturing floor

Product Part NumberWavelength RangeFrequency RangeSpectral Sampling ResolutionResolution Bandwidth Connector Type Instrument Type
WA-01500B-X-S-1-AA-011526.8 – 1612.6 nm185.90 to 196.35 THz 20 MHz180 MHz (typ.)FC/APCHigh Res. Benchtop C+L Band
WA-01500B-X-R-1-AA-011526.8 – 1612.6 nm185.90 to 196.35 THz 20 MHz180 MHz (typ.)FC/APCHigh Res. Rack-mount C+L Band