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Electro-optic Products

Electro-optic Products

Cristal Laser has developed precise alignment techniques that enable us to offer our customers complete, plug-and-play RTP Pockels cell assemblies with a superior level of performance in electro-optics applications.

Electro-optic RTP (Rubidium Titanyl Phosphate) crystals are mostly used in a birefringence-compensated scheme, thus requiring matched pairs of crystals which offer a range of benefits:
– Non hygroscopic
– High electro-optic constant
– Good extinction ratio
– No piezo or pyro-electric effects
– Can be mounted as RTP Q-switch or RTP pulsepicker

RTP may also be used in a single-crystal configuration for phase-modulation, taking advantage of the high r33 electro-optic coefficient. In this case, the laser emission is polarised along the crystal’s Z-axis and the optical length of the crystal can be precisely adjusted by the voltage applied between the Z-sides.

NameAperture Length Flatness Wavefront distortion ParallelismPerpendicularity Scratch and Dig Bulk absorption Damage threshold
RTP Phase ModulatorUp to 15x15mm²<λ/10 @633nm<λ/4 @633nm for a 20mm-long crystalDown to 5”Down to 5 arc min.<2/1<100 ppm/cm@1064nm10J/cm²@1064nm, 10ns 10Hz
RTP Pockels cellUp to 15x15mm²5, 7, 10 and 12,5mm. Other lengths on request.<λ/10 @633nm<λ/8 @633nm for each crystalDown to 5”Down to 5 arc min.<2/1<100 ppm/cm@1064nm
RTP pairsUp to 15x15mm²5, 7, 10 and 12,5mm. Other lengths on request.<λ/10 @633nm<λ/8 @633nm for each crystalDown to 5”Down to 5 arc min.<2/1<100 ppm/cm@1064nm