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Optical Pulse Shaper & Laser Front End

Optical Pulse Shaper & Laser Front End

exail offers the most comprehensive portfolio of versatile sub-nanosecond laser pulse generation transmitter based on unparalleled LiNbO3 modulator design.
These turn-key ModBoxes combine the best available optoelectronics components to provide state of the art optical pulse performances.
These ModBoxes are available over a wide wavelength range and can be tailored to specific applications:
– ModBox-PG: to generate square optical pulses
– ModBox-PS: to generate arbitrary shaped optical pulses
– ModBox-FE: to generate energetic arbitrary shaped pulses
– ModBox-SB: to suppress the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
– ModBox-PP: to pulse pick
– ModBox-DER: to measure Very High Extinction Ratios
– ModBox-CBC: to combine several beams with individual phase adjustments

A set of several Standards ModBox units is already available, please refer to the data-sheet ModBox collection below. If your ModBox product does not exist, a customized and dedicated solution can be built for you.

exail has accumulated a strong experience in such systems and successfully installed them in many laboratories over the world. To warrant the success of your project in a timely manner, exail proposes system demonstration as well as on-site installation with training of local staff. Please contact us to learn more about these services.

ModelWavelengthPulse Contrast Pulse width Pulse Waveform Insertion LossDatasheet
ModBox-PG-795nm-30ps-xxdB795 nm@795nm: 30 dB, or > 50 dB30 psGaussian@30 dB: 5 – 7 dB, @50 dB: 10 – 14 dB
ModBox-PG-CBand-50psC & L Bands@1550nm: > 40 dB, or > 60 dB50 psSuper-Gaussian optical pulses@40 dB: 5 – 6 dB, @60 dB: 10 – 12 dB
ModBox-Pulse-CBandC-Band@1550nm: > 40 dB100 ps – 10 nsRectangularTyp. 5 dB
ModelWavelengthPulse Contrast Pulse width Pulse Waveform Insertion LossDatasheet
ModBox-PS-WL-AWG-ER-AB-CD1030 nm, 1053 nm, 1064 nm 35 dB, or > 55 dB> 125 psArbitrary, user adjustable@35 dB: 8 – 10 dB, @55 dB: 13 – 15 dB
ModBox-PS-WL-250ps-ERNear Infra Red Window @1030, 1053, 1064 nm: 35 dB, or 60 dB250 ps – 100 nsArbitrary, user adjustable@30 dB: 5 – 7 dB, @60 dB: 10 – 12 dB
ModelWavelengthPulse Contrast Pulse width Pulse WaveformPulse EnergyDatasheet
ModBox-FE-WL-125ps-ER-EN1030 nm, 1053 nm, 1064 nm35 dB or 55 dB125 ps to 10 nsArbitrary, user adjustableRectangular pulse shape of 1 ns: 100pJ, 250pJ, 300pJ, 800pJ
ModBox-FE-125ps-10µJ1064.1 nm55 dB> 1 nsArbitrary, user adjustableOutput: 10 µJ
Model Wavelength Spectral Broadening RF Source Frequency Insertion Loss Datasheet
ModBox-SB-NIR-0.3nm980 – 1150 nm0.3 nm 2 GHz Typ. 3 dB
ModBox-SB-NIR-1.5nm980 – 1150 nm1.5 nm 14.25 GHz Typ. 3 dB
ModelWavelengthPulse Contrast Insertion Loss Datasheet
OPP-LAB-NIR800780 nm, or 852 nm30 dB, or 60 dB@30 dB: 7 dB, @60 dB: 13 dB
OPP-LAB-NIR1030 nm, or 1053 and 1064 nm30 dB, or 60 dB@30 dB: 7 dB, @60 dB: 13 dB
OPP-LAB-CBandFull C-Band40 dB, or 80 dB@40 dB: 6 dB, @80 dB: 12 dB
ModelWavelengthPulse width Pulse Rate DER Resolution Datasheet
ModBox-DER-NIR1030 nm, 1053 nm, 1064 nm5 – 25 nsSingle shot – 10 kHz10 – 55 dB0.6 ns
ModelWavelengthInsertion Loss Polarization Extinction Ratio Adjustable delay range Channels Datasheet
ModBox-CBC-1064nm-CH1064 nm< 5 dB30 dB600 ps4 or 8 parallel and independent channels
ModBox-CBC-2000nm-CH2000 nmTyp. 5 dB30 dB600 ps4 or 8 parallel and independent channels