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High Power 2 Channel RF Driver for 2 Acousto-optic Q-Switches: With an operating frequency of 24–110 MHz, a 2-channel 100 watts output into a 50-ohm load, and analog and digital modulation.


  • 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68, or 80 MHz RF Frequency (XX)
  • 0.01% Quartz Stabilized
  • 2 Outputs with up to 50 watts RF power output (YY) per channel (2S)
  • Two TTL Digital Modulation Inputs: fixed and variable pulse width.
  • Up to 100 kHz pulse rate.
  • Analogue Modulation or Triggered RF Ramp Down Mode (ZZZ)
  • Fault Protection on Low Power, High Power, and High VSWR
  • Operates on 28 VDC


  • RF Driver for an Acousto-Optic Q-Switch Device used spoiling the “Q” of a CW laser so as to output an intense pulse of light.
  • Used in industrial, medical, or military applications.
DescriptionHigh Power 2 Channel RF Driver: 25 To 50W 2 Channel Q-Switch Driver Module For 2 Acousto-optic Q-Switches
Frequency24, 27.12, 40.68, 68 and 80 MHz
Channels2 (RF power split from one oscillator)
Modulation repetition rates1 Hz to 100 kHz for fixed modulation, DC to 100 kHz for variable modulation
Spurious LevelsMax: -50 dBc
Harmonic DistortionMax: -30 dBc
Supply Current6.5 A for 25 W /ch units, 9.0 A for 50 W /ch units
Output ImpedanceNom: 50 Ohms
Supply Voltage+ 28V DC +/-1%
RF Power2 Outputs up to 50 W per channel
Rise/Fall TimeMax: 500 ns (10% to 90%), Max: 100 ns (90% to 10%)
Extinction RatioMin: 35 dB

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